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Presentations and Publications

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Presentations and publications

Access presentations, publications and videos relating to GEBCO's work and activities.

GEBCO Strategy 2024 - 2030

Access the GEBCO Strategy 2024 - 2030 to find out more about GEBCO's vision and mission Adobe PDF of the GEBCO Strategy 2024 - 2030 (234 KB).

Papers and publications

Date Publication title Author (s) Journal
December 2024 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 5.0 Jakobsson, M., Mohammad, R., Karlsson, M. et al. Sci Data 11, 1420 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-024-04278-w
June 2022 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean Version 2 Dorschel, B., Hehemann, L., Viquerat, S. et al. Sci Data 9, 275 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01366-7
January 2022 Polar Region Bathymetry: Critical Knowledge for the Prediction of Global Sea Level Rise Jakobsson, M. and Mayer, L.A. Frontiers in Marine Science, vol. 8, (2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2021.788724
November 2020 Ryder Glacier in northwest Greenland is shielded from warm Atlantic water by a bathymetric sill Jakobsson, M., Mayer, L.A., Nilsson, J. et al. Commun Earth Environ 1, 45 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-020-00043-0
July 2020 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean Version 4.0 Jakobsson, M., Mayer, L.A., Bringensparr, C. et al. Sci Data 7, 176 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0520-9
February 2018 The Nippon Foundation—GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project: The Quest to See the World’s Oceans Completely Mapped by 2030 Mayer, L.; Jakobsson, M.; Allen, G.; Dorschel, B.; Falconer, R.; Ferrini, V.; Lamarche, G.; Snaith, H.; Weatherall, P. Geosciences 2018, 8(2), 63; doi:10.3390/geosciences8020063
April - June 2017 Understanding oceans S. Tani The UNESCO Courier, Apr-Jun 2017, pages 65 - 69
March 2017 Airline flight paths over the unmapped ocean Smith, W. H. F., K. M. Marks, and T. Schmitt Eos, 98, doi:10.1029/2017EO069127
November 2016 A name directory for the ocean floor Stagpoole, V., H. W. Schenke, and Y. Ohara Eos, 97, doi:10.1029/2016EO063177
July 2016 Ocean Floor to be Mapped by 2030 Hydro International interviews Shin Tani, chair of GEBCO Guiding Committee Hydro International
May 2016 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) - from the coast to the deepest trench   Hydro International
January 2016 What about the other 88%? John K. Hall (Retd.), Geological Survey of Israel, Israel Hydro International
January 2016 Evidence for an ice shelf covering the central Arctic Ocean during the penultimate glaciation M. Jakobsson, J. Nilsson, L. Anderson, J. Backman, G. Björk, T. M. Cronin, N. Kirchner, A. Koshurnikov, L. Mayer, R. Noormets, M. O’Regan, C. Stranne, R. Ananiev, N. Barrientos Macho, D. Cherniykh, H. Coxall, B. Eriksson, T. Flodén, L. Gemery, Ö. Gustafsson et al. Nature Communications 7, Article number: 10365, doi:10.1038/ncomms10365
October 2015 A new bathymetry of the Northeast Greenland continental shelf: Constraints on glacial and other processes Arndt, J. E., W. Jokat, B. Dorschel, R. Myklebust, J. A. Dowdeswell, and J. Evans Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 16, doi:10.1002/2015GC005931
August 2015 A new digital bathymetric model of the world's oceans Weatherall P., K. M. Marks, M. Jakobsson, T. Schmitt, S. Tani, J. E. Arndt, M. Rovere, D. Chayes, V. Ferrini, and R. Wigley Earth and Space Science, 2, doi: 10.1002/2015EA000107
May 2014 Seafloor in the Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 Search Area Walter H. F. Smith and Karen M. Marks; Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, Volume 95, Issue 21, pages 173–174; DOI: 10.1002/2014EO210001
March 2014 Hovercraft as a Mobile Science Platform Over Sea Ice in the Arctic Ocean Yngve Kristoffersen, Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway and Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, Norway; John K. Hall, Geological Survey of Israel, Israel 2014, Oceanography 27(2), http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2014.33
April 2013 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) Version 1.0 – A new bathymetric compilation covering circum-Antarctic waters Arndt, J.E., H. W. Schenke, M. Jakobsson, F. Nitsche, G. Buys, B. Goleby, M. Rebesco, F. Bohoyo, J.K. Hong, J. Black, R. Greku, G. Udintsev, F. Barrios, W. Reynoso-Peralta, T. Morishita, R. Wigley Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1002/grl.50413
February 2013 Free “Cook Book” for gridding bathymetric data Kumar, M., American Geophysical Union, Washington, D. C., USA Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, News, Volume 94, Issue 9, DOI: 10.1002/2013EO090005
June 2012 The International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Version 3.0 M. Jakobsson, L. Mayer, B. Coakley, J. A. Dowdeswell, S. Forbes, B. Fridman, H. Hodnesdal, R. Norrmeets, R. Pedersen, M. Rebesco, H.W. Schenke, Y. Zarayskaya, D. Accettella, A. Armstrong, R. M. Anderson, P. Bienhoff, A. Camerlenghi, I. Church, M. Edwards, J.V. Gardner, J.K. Hall, B. Hell, O. Hestvik, Y. Kristoffersen, C. Marcussen, R. Mohammad, D. Mosher, S. V. Nghiem, M. T. Pedrosa, P.G. Travaglini and P. Weatherall Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 39, L12609, DOI:10.1029/2012GL05519, 2012
June 2012 Radially symmetric coherence between satellite gravity and multibeam bathymetry grids K. M. Marks and W. H. F. Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA Marine Geophysical Research (2012) DOI: 10.1007/s11001-012-9157-1
October 2011 Gridding heterogeneous bathymetric data sets with stacked continuous curvature splines in tension Benjamin Hell and Martin Jakobsson, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden Marine Geophysical Research (2011), 32:493-501, DOI: 10.1007/s11001-011-9141-1
May 2011 Geological record of ice shelf break-up and grounding line retreat, Pine Island Bay, West Antarctica (doi:10.1130/G32153.1) Martin Jakobsson, John B. Anderson, Frank O. Nitsche, Julian A. Dowdeswell, Richard Gyllencreutz, Nina Kirchner, Rezwan Mohammad, Matthew O'Regan, Richard B. Alley, Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Bjorn Eriksson, Alexandra Kirshner, Rodrigo Fernandez, Travis Stolldorf, Rebecca Minzoni and Wojciech Majewski Geology, May 24 2011, 2011G32152.1
October 2010 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans Robert Ward, IHO Hydro International, Volume 14, Number 5
March 2010 Seamount Discovery Tool aids navigation to uncharted seafloor features David T. Sandwell, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego; Paul Wessel, Department of Geology and Geophysics, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i Oceanography, Volume 23, No. 1, http://dx.doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2010.87
Jan-Feb-Mar 2008 Application of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) Digital Atlas in the delineation of continental shelves under Article 76 David Monahan, University of New Hampshire Journal of Ocean Technology, v. 3, p. 24-29
Jan-Feb-Mar 2008 Mapping the floor of the entire world ocean: the
General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans
David Monahan, University of New Hampshire Journal of Ocean Technology, v. 3, p. 108
March 2007 GEBCO and Deep Water. Data Assembler, Converter, Interpreter and Disseminator David Monahan, University of New Hampshire Hydro International, Volume 11, number 3
November 2005 Capacity Building in Ocean Bathymetry. The Nippon Foundation GEBCO Training Programme at the University of New Hampshire Srinivas Karlapati, Dave Monahan, Hugo Montoro Caceres, Taisei Morishita, Abubakar
Abdullahi Mustapha, Walter Reynoso Peralta, Shereen Sharma and Clive Angwenyi
International Hydrographic Review, Volume 6, number 3, Adobe PDF version of the paper "Capacity Building in Ocean Bathymetry. The Nippon Foundation GEBCO Training Programme at the University of New Hampshire" (56 KB)
November 2004 GEBCO: the Second Century David Monahan, University of New Hampshire Hydro International, Volume 8, number 9
June 2004 The Bottom Line - Studying the contours of the ocean floor Pauline Weatherall and Ray Cramer, BODC Planet Earth, Summer 2004 (NERC publication)

Presentations given at GEBCO's meetings

GEBCO hosts annual meetings of its Guiding Committee and Sub-Committees. Access reports and presentations from these meetings from our meetings page.

Presentations to meetings of the IHO Regional Hydrographic Commissions (RHC)

The RHCs are made up of IHO Member States together with other regional States that wish to participate. At the regional level, the RHCs coordinate hydrographic activity and cooperation.

Meeting Presentation title Presenter(s) Download
18th South-West Pacific Hydrographic Commision (SWPHC) Meeting, 17-19 February 2021 The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Jamie McMichael-Phillips, Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Director Access in PDF format from the IHO's web site
19th North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission (NIOHC) Meeting, Muscat, Oman, 26-28 March 2019 General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans (GEBCO) an IHO-IOC Joint Project Mr David Wyatt, Permanent Secretary, GEBCO; International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) Adobe PDF of the document: General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans (GEBCO) an IHO-IOC Joint Project (2.4 MB)
19th Meeting of the Meso American - Caribbean Sea Hydrographic Commission (MACHC), Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, 28 November - 1 December 2018 Briefing on the work of GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans) Dr Vicki Ferrini, LDEO, USA; Head of the Seabed 2030 Atlantic/Indian Oceans Regional Data Center; Chair, GEBCO Sub-Committee on Regional Under Sea Mapping Adobe PDF of the document: Seabed 2030 (5 MB)
18th North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission Meeting, Goa, India, 9-12 April 2018 Briefing on the work of GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans) Mr David Wyatt, IHO Adobe PDF of the document: Briefing on the work of GEBCO (GENERAL BATHYMETRIC CHART OF THE OCEANS), given to 18th North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission Meeting (8.5 MB)
33rd North Sea Hydrographic Commission Meeting, Ostend, Belgium, 27-28 March 2018 Briefing on GEBCO and the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project Ms Pauline Weatherall, British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), UK Adobe PDF of the document: Briefing on GEBCO and the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, given to 33rd North Sea Hydrographic Commission Meeting (2.1 MB)
17th North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 17 - 21 July 2017 Briefing on the work of GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans) Mr David Wyatt, IHO Adobe PDF of the document: Briefing on the work of GEBCO (GENERAL BATHYMETRIC CHART OF THE OCEANS), given to 17th North Indian Ocean Hydrographic Commission Meeting (2.7 MB)
14th Eastern Atlantic Hydrographic Commission (EAtHC) Conference, Cádiz, Spain, 18 to 20 October 2016 Briefing on the work of GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart Of The Oceans) Gustavo Adolfo Gómez-Pimpollo Crespo (IHM) Adobe PDF of the document: Briefing on the work of GEBCO (GENERAL BATHYMETRIC CHART OF THE OCEANS), given to 14th Eastern Atlantic Hydrographic Commission (EAtHC) Conference (22 MB)

Presentations to the IHO Inter Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC)

The Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) is the steering committee of the IHO for inter-regional coordination and support. The main aims of the committee are to establish, coordinate and enhance cooperation in hydrographic activities amongst Member States on a regional basis and between regions.

Presentation title Author(s) Download
GEBCO report to the 7th IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee, 1-3 June 2015, Mexico City, Mexico

Vice Admiral Shin Tani, Chair GEBCO


Adobe PDF of the GEBCO report given at the 7th IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee meeting (IRCC7) Report (447 KB)


GEBCO report to the 4th IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee, 7-8 June 2012, Singapore

Christopher G. Fox

Jose Gianella, Peruvian Navy and GEBCO/Nippon Foundation Scholar

Adobe PDF of the GEBCO report given at the 4th IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee meeting (IRCC4) Report (324 KB)

Adobe PDF of the GEBCO presentation given at the 4th IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee meeting (IRCC4) Presentation (433 KB)

GEBCO report to the 3rd IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee, 26-27 May 2011, Niteroi, Brazil

Christopher G. Fox

Adobe PDF of the GEBCO report given at the 3rd IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee meeting (IRCC3) Report (789 KB)

Adobe PDF of the GEBCO presentation given at the 3rd IHO Inter-Regional Coordinating Committee meeting (IRCC3) Presentation (1.7 MB)

GEBCO presentations to conferences, meetings and groups

Event Title and author(s)  Download
30th Session of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) Assembly, Paris, France, July 2019 The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, Dr Graham Allen Adobe PDF of the presentation: The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project (4.6 MB)
101st Session of the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), International Maritime Organization (IMO), London, UK, June 2019 Briefing on The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project, Dr Graham Allen Adobe PDF of the presentation: GEBCO - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (8 MB)
Meeting of the Marine Environmental Mapping Programme (MAREMAP), National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK, November 2011 GEBCO — General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans; Colin Jacobs, NOC, Southampton, UK Adobe PDF of the presentation: Briefing on The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project (1.4 MB)
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Open Science Conference 2016, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 2016 General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), a look at the world from an ocean’s perspective; Boris Dorschel (1), Martin Jakobsson (2); (1) Department of Geophysics, Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research, Germany; (2) Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden Adobe PDF of the presentation: General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO), a look at the world from an ocean’s perspective (4.5 MB)


YouTube link

On World Hydrography Day (21st June 2018), The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 Project is pleased to launch this short film, restating our commitment to mapping the entirety of the World’s ocean floor by 2030 and setting out how you can contribute to the Project’s success.


Annual GEBCO Symposium

The GEBCO Symposium, formerly Science Day, is held every year as part of GEBCO's meetings. It consists of oral presentations and poster displays on topics relating to ocean-floor mapping and its applications. Access presentations and posters from The GEBCO Symposium.

Forum for Future Ocean Floor Mapping

The Forum was held in June 2016 and brought together over 150 senior representatives, scientists and scholars from major ocean-related and international organisations to discuss the importance of understanding the shape of the ocean floor. It will culminate in the development of a Roadmap for Future Ocean Floor Mapping.

Keynote speaker Link to presentation (where available)
Dr Robert Ballard, Center for Ocean Exploration, Graduate School of Oceanography/URI and Ocean Exploration Trust  
Dr Larry Mayer, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, USA Presentation: Such a big ocean but our footprints are so small (Sonar Footprints) (16 MB)
David Heydon, deep sea mining expert  
Kristina M. Gjerde, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)/Wycliffe Management Presentation: Beyond the Horizon. The relevance of mapping to conserving the ocean beyond national boundaries (4 MB)
Jyotika Virmani, XPRIZE Foundation Presentation: Incentivizing a new era of ocean exploration (18 MB)
Bjorn Jalving, Kongsberg Maritime, Subsea Division Presentation: Trends in seabed mapping technology (10 MB)
Simon Winchester, Author  
Poster title Author(s)  Link
100 years of GEBCO bathymetric charts A. Pharaoh, International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco Poster: 100 years of GEBCO bathymetric charts (6.2 MB)
The Mid-Atlantic Ridge as portrayed in GEBCO charts since 1903 A. Pharaoh, International Hydrographic Bureau, Monaco Poster: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge as portrayed in GEBCO charts since 1903 (5.4 MB)
Mapping the Israeli Mediterranean Waters: R/V Bat-Galim. A new government RI with high performance acoustic capabilities T. Ketter, Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National Institute of Oceanography, Haifa, Israel Poster: Mapping the Israeli Mediterranean Waters: R/V Bat-Galim. A new government RI with high performance acoustic capabilities (4 MB)
Ocean mapping activities at the Alfred Wegener Institute B. Dorschel, J.E. Arndt, P. Slabon, and L. Jensen, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany Poster: Ocean mapping activities at the Alfred Wegener Institute (15 MB)
The Beams Program, a partnership among the College of Charleston, University of Washington and CARIS   Poster: The Beams Program, a partnership among the College of  Charleston, University of Washington and CARIS (3 MB)
Smart solutions to seafloor mapping in New Zealand J. Black (1), K. Mackay (2), A. Greenland (3), E. Griffin (3); (1) GNS Science, Lower Hut, New Zealand; (2) LINZ, Wellington, New Zealand; (3) NIWA, Greta Point, Wellington, New Zealand Poster: Smart  solutions to seafloor mapping in New Zealand (4 MB)
The Portsmouth project, Boskalis dredging and marine experts S. van den Brom, Boskalis Poster: The Portsmouth project, Boskalis dredging and marine experts (14 MB)
Opening the satellite toolbox data updates for coastal zones using satellite imagery K. Hartmann, T. Heege, M. Wettle, and M. Bindel; EOMAP GmbH & Co Poster: Opening  the satellite toolbox data updates for coastal zones using satellite imagery (4 MB)
NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland Mission Bathymetry Mapping for Sea Level Rise Science I. Fenty, J. Willis, E. Rignot, A. Khazendar, and M. Schodlok; Jet Propulsion Lab./California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA Poster: NASA's Oceans Melting Greenland Mission Bathymetry Mapping for Sea Level Rise Science (3.3 MB)
GEBCO-2014 Role in Unraveling the Mystery of the Polar Sea Ice Paradox S. V. Nghiem (1), I. G. Rigor (2), P. Clemente-Colon (3), G. Neuman (1) and P. P. Li (1); (1) Jet Propulsion Lab., California Institute of Technology, USA; (2) University of Washington, USA; (3) U.S. Naval/National Ice Center, USA Poster: GEBCO-2014  Role in Unraveling the Mystery of the Polar Sea Ice Paradox (6.5 MB)
Deepwater Hydrocarbon Seep Detection: Tools and Techniques using Multibeam Echosounders G.A. Mitchell, J.J. Gharib. D.F. Doolittle and D. Millar; Fugro USA Inc., Houston, Texas, USA Poster: Deepwater Hydrocarbon Seep Detection: Tools and Techniques using Multibeam Echosounders (3.2 MB)
Arctic Ocean Mapping from 1893 to 2016, IBCAO M. Jakobsson, University of Stockholm, Sweden Poster: Arctic Ocean Mapping from 1893 to 2016, IBCAO (5.2 MB)
Southern Ocean Mapping from 1938 to 2013, IBCSO J. E. Arndt, Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, Germany Poster: Southern Ocean Mapping from 1938 to 2013, IBCSO (5.2 MB)
Mapping with IBRV ARAON in the Arctic and Antarctic waters Y.K. Jin, J. Lee and H.J. Kim; Korea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI), Korea Poster: Mapping with IBRV ARAON in the Arctic and Antarctic waters (5.3 MB)
Global seafloor geomorphic features map: a polygon for every named feature in the GEBCO Gazetteer P. T. Harris and M. McMillan-Lawler, GRID-Arendal, Arendal, Norway Poster: Global seafloor geomorphic features map: a polygon for every named feature in the GEBCO Gazetteer (16 MB)
History of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) On behalf of GEBCO: P. Weatherall, British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), NOC, Liverpool, UK Poster: History of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) (5 MB)
About the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) On behalf of GEBCO: P. Weatherall, British Oceanographic Data Centre (BODC), NOC, Liverpool, UK Poster: About the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) (4.3 MB)
IMO and the 2030 Agenda Together for sustainable use of the oceans J. Shiundu, International Maritime Organization (IMO) Poster: IMO and the 2030 Agenda Together for sustainable use of the oceans (2 MB)
The North Atlantic Data Portal – a prototype J. Jencks, NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information, Boulder, Colorado, USA Poster: The North Atlantic Data Portal – a prototype (4 MB)
Seafloor and habitat mapping at the National Oceanography Centre V. A. I. Huvenne, C. Lo Iacono, R.B. Wynn, T. P. Le Bas, K. Robert, L. Marsh, O. T. Hogg, and L. Victorer; National Oceanography Centre (NOC), Southampton, UK Poster: Seafloor and habitat mapping at the National Oceanography Centre (3.2 MB)
Mapping the world with Olex Olex Poster: Mapping the world with Olex (4 MB)
ENC bathymetry plotter SevenCs Poster: ENC bathymetry plotter (3 MB)
FAMOS - finalising surveys for the Baltic motorways of the sea FAMOS project Poster: FAMOS - finalising surveys for the bathymetric motorways of the sea (2 MB)
EMODnet Bathymetry of the European Seas D. Schaap and EMODnet bathymetry project partners Poster: EMODnet Bathymetry of the European Seas (3.3 MB)
Linking surficial geomorphology with vertical structure in high and low energy marine environments E. Sampaga, University of Washington and CARIS beams program Poster: Linking surficial geomorphology with vertical structure in high and low energy marine environments (8 MB)
Scientific development with AGS "Cabo de Hornos" ship Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Chilean Navy Poster: Scientific development with AGS Cabo de Hornos ship (3 MB)
Variable resolution surfaces Charles de Jongh, Teledyne CARIS Poster: Variable resolution surfaces (10 MB)
Structural mapping and geomorphology of Ireland's Southwest Continental Shelf using High Resolution Sonar S. Bowden, R. Wireman, L. Sautter, E. Beutel, N. Levine, College of Charlestown, USA Poster: Structural  mapping and geomorphology of Ireland's Southwest Continental Shelf using High Resolution Sonar (5 MB)
Describing Alaskan Groundfish habitat using smooth sheets M. Zimmermann (1), J. A. Reid (2) and N. Golden (2); (1) Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, USA; (2) Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, USA Poster: Describing Alaskan Groundfish habitat using smooth sheets (2.5 MB)
Assessing inshore habitat loss from the 1920s to the 1990s in the Chignik area of the Alaska Peninsula M. Zimmermann (1), G. T. Ruggerone (2), J. T. Freymueller (3), N. Kinsman (4); (1) Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, USA; (2) Natural Resources Consultants Inc. Seattle, Wa., USA; (3) Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, USA; (4) National Geodetic Survey, NOS, NOAA, Anchorage, USA Poster: Assessing inshore habitat loss from the 1920s to the 1990s in the Chignik area of the Alaska Peninsula (3 MB)
The Crowd Sourced Bathymetry Solution Tim Thornton, TeamSurv Poster: The Crowd Sourced Bathymetry Solution (581 KB)
Seabed objects detection based on side scan sonar images comparison method Karolina Zwolak, Hydrographic Support Squadron of the Polish Navy Poster: Seabed objects detection based on side scan sonar images comparison method (831 KB)
Dynamic features of the Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal System - observation by km-scale to cm-scale mapping and imaging A. Taira (1), T. Blair (2), S. Kawaguchi (1), H. Yamamoto (1), S. Hida (1), J. Kuroda (1) and Y. Adachi; (1) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, (2) Institute of Inductrial Science, Univeristy of Tokyo Poster: Dynamic features of the Okinawa Trough Hydrothermal System - observation by km-scale to cm-scale mapping and imaging (1.5 MB)
Bathymetry Data utilization in Petronas Geomatics Department, Geophysics solutions, exploration PETRONAS, upstream business Poster: Bathymetry Data utilization in Petronas (1.1 MB)
Overview of work N. Abramova, Y. Zarayskaya (Nippon Foundation scholars), Laboratory of Ocean Floor Geomorphology and Tectonics, Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences Poster: Overview of work (2 MB)
Atlas of the Mediterranean Seamounts and Seamount-like Structures M. Würtz and M. Rovere (eds.), IUCN Poster: Atlas of the Mediterranean Seamounts and Seamount-like Structures (417 KB)
From the soundings to the bathymetric products and services Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM), France Poster: From the soundings to the bathymetric products and services (408 KB)
Seafloor mapping of Graham Bank Istituto Idrografico della Marina Militare Italiana, Italian Hydrographic Office, Italy Poster: Seafloor mapping of Graham Bank (978 KB)
Extended continental shelf submissions to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf by the Republic of Mauritius Department of Continental Shelf, Maritime Zones Administration and Exploration, Prime Minister's Office, Republic of Mauritius Poster: Extended continental shelf submissions to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf by the Republic of Mauritius (2.3 MB)
Introduction to the Japanese Scholars - Activities after the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Training Program D. Horiuchi, H. Saito and T. Morishita, Hydrographic and Oceanographic Department, Japan Coast Guard (JHOD) Poster: Introduction to the Japanese Scholars - Activities after the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Training Program (1.1 MB)
Archeological hydrography Istituto Idrografico della Marina Militare Italiana, Italian Hydrographic Office, Italy Poster: Archeological hydrography (1.1 MB)
Mission of Opportunity - Collaborative Mapping of Earth's Newest Island V. Ferrini (1), J. Garvin (2), C. Peters (3) and H. Spier (1); (1) Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, USA; (2) NASA; (3) Schmidt Ocean Institute Poster: Mission of Opportunity - Collaborative Mapping of Earths Newest Island (1.6 MB)
Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry R. Wigley, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), University of New Hampshire, USA Poster: Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry (2 MB)
Alumni of the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry R. Wigley, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping (CCOM), University of New Hampshire, USA Poster: Alumni of the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry (3 MB)
Mapping the ocean - the full picture for underwater mapping Kongsberg Poster: Mapping the ocean - the full picture for underwater mapping (2.1 MB)


IBCAO and IBCSO Arctic-Antarctic Seafloor Mapping Meeting (2011)

The first Arctic-Antarctic Seafloor Mapping Meeting was held in 2011 at the University of Stockholm, Sweden. It brought together the key experts conducting bathymetric mapping in Arctic and Antarctic waters. The aim was to work towards building the International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) and International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) data sets.

Presentation title Author(s) Download
Compiling a bathymetry map of the Ross Sea and adjacent Southern Ocean Jenny Black, Derek Woodward, Vaughan Stagpoole, Stuart Henrys, Fred Davey, GNS Science, New Zealand Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Compiling a bathymetry map of the Ross Sea and adjacent Southern Ocean' (3735 KB)
Mapping within the Canadian Arctic Archipelago Ian Church, John Hughes Clarke, Doug Cartwright, Steve Brucker, James Muggah, Ocean Mapping Group, University of New Brunswick, Canada and Steve Blasco, Geological Survey of Canada Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Mapping within the Canadian Arctic Archipelago' (12.7 MB)
Initial cross-over analysis of Amerasian Basin gravity and bathymetry datasets Bernard Coakley, Geophysical Institute
University of Alaska, USA and Larry Mayer, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire, USA
Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Initial cross-over analysis of Amerasian Basin gravity and bathymetry datasets' (13 MB)
Bathymetric Compilations of the Scotia Arc Peter Fretwell, British Antarctic Survey, UK Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Bathymetric Compilations of the Scotia Arc' (1549 KB)
GEBCO overview Robin Falconer, Chairman of GEBCO Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'GEBCO overview' (3474 KB)
Gridding heterogeneous bathymetric data with stacked continuous curvature splines in tension Benjamin Hell and Martin Jakobsson, Department of Geological Sciences,
Stockholm University, Sweden
Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Gridding heterogeneous bathymetric data with stacked continuous curvature splines in tension' (6188 KB)
MAREANO program — Detailed mapping of seabed topography, sediments, bottom fauna and pollutants in Norwegian waters Hanne Hodnesdal, Norwegian Mapping Authority Hydrographic Service (NHS), Norway Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'MAREANO program — Detailed mapping of seabed topography, sediments, bottom fauna and pollutants in Norwegian waters' (3609 KB)
Status of hydrographic surveying and nautical charting in Antarctica
Hugo Gorziglia, Director, International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB) Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Status of hydrographic surveying and nautical charting in Antarctica' (6013 KB)
International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) Martin Jakobsson, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO)' (7694 KB)
Multibeam mapping with Swedish icebreaker Oden Martin Jakobsson, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Multibeam mapping with Swedish icebreaker Oden' (8077 KB)
Production of Navigational Chart INT-905 — "Northern Weddell Sea" Ralf Krocker and Hans Werner Schenke, Alfred Wegener Institute
für Polar und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany and Sylvia Spohn, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, Rostock, Germany
Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Production of Navigational Chart INT-905 — "Northern Weddell Sea"' (3594 KB)
Status of U.S. Arctic ECS mapping activities Larry Mayer, Professor and Director, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire, USA Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Status of U.S. Arctic ECS mapping activities' (12.8 MB)
Important role of bathymetry in polar sea ice formation and evolution S. V. Nghiem and G. Neumann, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, USA; P. Clemente-Colón, National Ice Center, Washington, DC, USA and I. G. Rigor, Polar Science Center, University of Washington, WA, USA Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Important role of bathymetry in polar sea ice formation and evolution' (4421 KB)
The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data Synthesis and its use for bathymetric compilations Frank O. Nitsche, S. Carbotte, V. Ferrini and W.B.F. Ryan, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University, USA Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'The Antarctic and Southern Ocean Data Synthesis and its use for bathymetric compilations' (5764 KB)
Seafloor Morphology of the Storfjorden and Kveithola Palaeo-Ice Streams (NW Barents Sea): joint Italian and Spanish dataset Michele Rebesco (1), Angelo Camerlenghi (2,3), Mayte Pedrosa (3), Daniela Accettella (1), Ben DeMol (4), Roger Urgeles (5), Renata Giulia Lucchi (1,3), Andrea Caburlotto (1); 1 — OGS, Trieste, Italy; 2 — Istitució Catalana de Recerca Estudis i Avançats, Barcelona, Spain; 3 — Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; 4 — Parc Científic, Barcelona, Spain; 5 — Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Seafloor Morphology of the Storfjorden and Kveithola Palaeo-Ice Streams (NW Barents Sea): joint Italian and Spanish dataset' (4133 KB)
Bathymetric data acquisition in Arctic waters within the Danish Continental Shelf Project Morten Sølvsten, Uni Bull, Richard Pedersen and Christian Marcussen, Danish Maritime Safety Administration, Denmark Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Bathymetric data acquisition in Arctic waters within the Danish Continental Shelf Project' (5176 KB)
Arctic seafloor mapping — Norwegian Mapping Authority Hydrographic Service Øyvind Tappel, Norwegian Mapping Authority, Norway Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Arctic seafloor mapping — Norwegian Mapping Authority Hydrographic Service' (3748 KB)
Overview of bathymetric data collected by the British Antarctic Survey Alex Tate, British Antarctic Survey, UK Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Overview of bathymetric data collected by the British Antarctic Survey' (1483 KB)
Why do we need to learn more about the Arctic and Southern Oceans? Wendy Watson-Wright, Executive Secretary and Assistant Director General, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Why do we need to learn more about the Arctic and Southern Oceans?' (3434 KB)
Neotectonic and Glacial History of the Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica: Enhanced Interpretation from Integrated
Seafloor Bathymetry and Terrestrial DEMs
Terry Wilson, Jamey Stutz, William Magee, Christopher Gordon, and Stuart Henrys, the Byrd Polar Research Center at The Ohio State University, USA; GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Neotectonic and Glacial History of the Southwestern Ross Sea, Antarctica: Enhanced Interpretation from Integrated' (3085 KB)
Arctic cruises of R/V “Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov” 2006-2010 Yulia Zarayskaya, Geological Institute RAS, Laboratory of Ocean Floor Geomorphology and Tectonics, Russia Adobe PDF version of the presentation 'Arctic cruises of R/V “Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov” 2006-2010' (10 MB)


GEBCO Data Flow Workshop (2011)

The workshop was held at the US National Geophysical Data Center (now the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)), 9-11 March 2011. The aim of the workshop was to develop a plan to allow data to flow in a predefined manner though the GEBCO community and be incorporated into GEBCO's global bathymetric grid.


GEBCO Centenary Conference

The conference was held in Monaco in April 2003 to mark the 100th anniversary of the initiation of the GEBCO chart series.

Presentations were given on a wide range of topics from the early years of GEBCO; the development of bathymetric mapping through the 20th Century and beyond and the applications and implications of bathymetry data.

Presentation title Author(s) Download
GEBCO — the beginning and early years
Chronology of the main events related to the origins, and the 1st and 2nd editions of La Carte Generale Bathymetrique des Oceans Jacqueline Carpine-Lancre

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (50 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (8.5 Mbytes)

Knowledge of the deep ocean by the end of the 19th century, leading up to the decision taken in 1899 to compile a world series of bathymetric charts Margaret Deacon


Transfer of responsibilities to the IHB, and development and publication of the 3rd and 4th Editions Adam J. Kerr

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (256 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.5 MBytes)

Oceanography joins hydrography
Oceanography joins hydrography: co-sponsorship with the IOC Desmond P. D. Scott

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (27 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (2.6 Mbytes)

The impact on ocean mapping of the post war revolution in marine geology and the work of SCOR working group 41 Anthony S. Laughton

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (32 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (8 Mbytes)

New approaches in GEBCO
Building the fifth edition: an exercise in cooperation David Monahan

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (41 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (91 KB)

Into the digital age - the GEBCO Digital Atlas (GDA) Meirion T. Jones

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (47 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (5 Mbytes)

Interaction of ocean mapping and science and technology
The contribution of multibeam bathymetry and acoustic imagery to the understanding of geological processes: the example of the Mediterranean Jean Mascle  
Technical developments in depth measurement techniques and position determination from 1960 to 1980 David Wells and Steve Grant

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (743 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.5 Mbytes)

Data management and manipulation
Leadline to multibeam, sextant to GPS, crow quill to computer: bathymetric data collection, compilation, archiving and distribution in the past century Brian Harper and George Sharman

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (24 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (3 Mbytes)

Interpolation and contouring of sparse sounding data Hans Werner Schenke

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.3 Mbytes)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (6 Mbytes)

Creating a Digital Terrain Model (gridded data base) from manually contoured sparse sounding data Mike Carron, Walter Smith and William Rankin

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (3.4 Mbytes)

Bathymetry in law, commerce and fisheries
The role of bathymetry in international maritime law and in the provisions of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea Neil Guy

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (200 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.7 Mbytes)

Bathymetric Requirements for fisheries research Dagoberto Arcos, Ken Cooke and Aquiles Sepulveda

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (800 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (5 Mbytes)
Commercial drivers for improved ocean floor charts Don Hussong

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (959 KB)

Geodetic datum conversion in Japan: from Tokyo Datum to WGS-84

Geodetic transformation – a case study from Tokyo Datum to WGS84

Shin Tani

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (395 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (12 Mbytes)

Applications and implications of bathymetric data
Principles and Applications of ocean feature nomenclature Michel Huet

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (275 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.2 Mbytes)

The impact of ocean bottom morphology on the modelling of long gravity waves, from tides and tsunami to climate Christian Le Provost and Florent Lyard

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (813 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (6.4 Mbytes)

Contribution of multibeam bathymetry to understanding the processes that shape mid-ocean ridges Marie-Helene Cormier

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.5 Mbytes)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (7 Mbytes)

Bathymetry and ocean circulation Sarah T. Gille and Stefan G. Llewellyn Smith

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (758 KB)

Ocean mapping in the 21st Century
A look to the future: ocean mapping in the twenty first century David Monahan

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (54 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (247 KB)

International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) — a new direction for ocean mapmaking Ron Macnab, Martin Jakobsson and Herman Varma

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (757 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (3.3 Mbytes)

Satellite bathymetry: an aid to global bathymetric charting Walter H.F. Smith

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (10 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (4.6 Mbytes)

Acoustic imagery and seafloor characterisation Christian de Moustier

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (4.2 Mbytes)

New frontiers in seafloor mapping and visualization Larry Mayer

Abstract Adobe PDF presentation abstract for the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (911 KB)

Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (13.5 Mbytes)

Use of the GEBCO digital atlas for compilation of maps of sea fauna distribution. Viktor Sedov Presentation Adobe PDF version of a presentation given at the GEBCO Centenary Conference, Monaco, 2003 (1.6 Mbytes)


Access poster presentations about GEBCO's work given at meetings and conferences.

Date Conference or meeting Publication title and authors  Download 
October 2016 International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS), Gdansk, Poland Global bathymetric data sets - (GEBCO); on behalf of GEBCO: P. Weatherall, K. Marks and M. Jakobsson Adobe PDF version of the poster Global bathymetric data sets - (GEBCO) (1.5 MB)
October 2014 Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Alumni perspectives - poster 1 Adobe PDF version of the poster 'Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Alumni perspectives - poster 1' (3.6 MB)
October 2014 Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Alumni perspectives - poster 2 Adobe PDF version of the poster 'Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Alumni perspectives - poster 2' (3.9 MB)
October 2014 Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco Alumni of First Ten Years of Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Training Program Alumni of First Ten Years of Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Training Program (9 MB)
October 2014 Fifth Extraordinary International Hydrographic Conference, Monaco Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry Nippon Foundation / GEBCO Postgraduate Certificate in Ocean Bathymetry (3.7 MB)
September 2014 The Challenger Society For Marine Science 2014 Conference, Plymouth University, UK, 8-11 September 2014 Managing Geophysical Data in the South West Indian Ocean using GeoMapApp Adobe PDF version of the poster 'Managing Geophysical Data in the South West Indian Ocean using GeoMapApp' (2 MB)
July 2014   CCOM - JHC Summer Hydro 2014 Adobe PDF version of the poster 'CCOM-JHC Summer Hydro 2014' detailing the 2014 field survey programme of the Nippon Foundation/GEBCO Training Programme (17.6 MB)
December 2012 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. 3-7 December 2012 IBCSO Version 1.0 — The first release of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean Adobe PDF version of the poster 'IBCSO Version 1.0 - The first release of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean' (3.5 MB)

GEBCO — What? Why? How?

Produced by scholars of the GEBCO/Nippon Foundation Training Programme (class of 2010/2011).

Adobe PDF version of the poster 'GEBCO - What? Why? How?' (2.5 MB)
March 2010

International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems (IMDIS). Paris, France. 29-31 March 2010

Global Gridded Bathymetry Data - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans Adobe PDF version of the poster 'Global Gridded Bathymetry Data - General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans' (13 MB)
April 2007

XVIIth International Hydrographic Conference.
Monaco. 7-11 May 2007

Improving the GEBCO grid in shallow water areas Adobe PDF version of the poster 'Improving the GEBCO grid in shallow water areas' (1.3 MB)
December 2006 Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) Summit of International Marine Research Projects.
London, UK. 7 December 2006
GEBCO (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans) NERC's involvement in international mapping Adobe PDF version of the poster 'GEBCO NERC's involvement in international mapping' (1.3 MB)


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