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Seabed 2030 Image Stream

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Contribute to the Seabed 2030 Image Stream

Imagery from the Ryder 2019 research expedition to the remote Ryder Glacier in northwest Greenland on board the Swedish icebreaker Oden. Imagery courtsey of Prof. Martin Jakobsson, 2019

To celebrate the work of GEBCO and the Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project we are creating a curated soon to be publicly available image archive for the press, our partners and the world!

We want to champion your scientific achievements and reach more of the general public.

We are interested in imagery relating to seafloor mapping, including: data collection, data processing and imagery based on bathymetry data. So, if you have any photos, videos or images that support your work, that make you go “wow!” or “that’s fascinating! - then this is the perfect opportunity to see your work published and further the public's interest in seafloor mapping.

You can let us have a single image, or collect up your favourites as a batch. Just put them on a shared drive (Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, One Drive, FTP ....) and complete this form on the Seabed 2030 web site to let us know what's there and how to access it.

An award-winning photographer will then go over the pictures, give them a polish on Photoshop, arrange the information and upload them to a dedicated bank that will be used to publish our news across various media and be available for any interested party to reference.

Upload your work now and we'll get it seen!

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