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International Bathymetric Chart of the Southeast Pacific (IBCSEP)

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IBCSEP - specifications

Specifications for the charts of the IBCSEP.

SCALE 1:1' 000.000 on the parallel 27° S. It was used the limit from 1-01 sheet's upper parallel with 1-10 sheet's lower limit of chart series.
GRID Borders of each sheet forming the chart should show a subdivision of one minute as latitude as longitude.
The parallels and meridians should be drawn each 2°.
Grid Numbering should be drawn each side.
SIZE Net size (frame)should not exceed 794.03 x 985.80 mm
IDENTIFICATION OF SHEETS Sheets forming charts should be identified by a sequential numbering from north to south and from east to west.
Sheet Numbers should be printed as universe 56 type with 14 points, on the lower right corner.
PUBLICATION DATE The date to be indicated on the sheet will correspond to this one proposed by the Editorial committee.
MARGINAL INFORMATION It should be written in English and French It should include:

- General Title of Chart.
- Sheet number - Projection, ellipsoid and scale.
- Color codes that are used to represent hypsometry.
- Color codes used to represent bathymetry.
- Area and country index where their hydrographic offices and scientists made compilation sheets for the chart.
- "SHOULD NOT BE USED DURING NAVIGATION" should be included on the upper right side of each sheet according to paragraph 208 C.

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