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GEBCO 2014 Grid

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GEBCO 2014 Grid

GEBCO_2014 Grid for the Atlantic Ocean areaGEBCO is pleased to announce the release of its latest global terrain model at 30 arc-second intervals - the GEBCO_2014 Grid.

Find out how to download the grid.

The grid marks a significant update to the previous release, the GEBCO_08 Grid. Find out more from the PDF documentation that accompanies the grid. (930 KB)

GEBCO_2014 benefits from contributions from numerous data providers and regional mapping programmes, including:

  • International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean (IBCSO) v1
  • International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) v3
  • European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) Bathymetry 2013 data set
  • Baltic Sea Bathymetry Database
  • Australian Bathymetry and Topography Grid, June 2009
  • Global Multi-Resolution Topography (GMRT) Synthesis from the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
  • Japan Coast Guard Grid for the North Western Pacific Ocean region
  • Updates of the South China Sea Region and waters off Chile using data supplied from Electronic Navigation Charts (ENCs)
  • Bathymetry of the North American Great Lakes
  • North Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Cadiz region
  • South Pacific Ocean, Coral Sea region

Find out more about the updates included in this release and about GEBCO's work with regional mapping groups.

As with the previous release, the GEBCO_2014 grid is accompanied by a Source Identifier (SID) Grid. This indicates which of the corresponding cells in the GEBCO_2014 Grid are based on soundings or existing grids or are based on interpolation.

The grid is made available in netCDF form; it is planned to make the data available in Esri ASCII raster and data Geotiff in the near future. The grid is also available in the form of a shaded relief image as a web map service.

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