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Atlantic seabed mapping

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Atlantic seabed mapping

In May 2016 an international team of ocean mapping experts from Europe, Canada and the USA will launch the 4th Transatlantic Mapping Survey under the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance.

The expedition, on board the Irish research vessel, RV Celtic Explorer, will map the seafloor between St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada and Galway, Ireland. The Science Team led by Xavier Monteys of the Geological Survey of Ireland will be collecting multibeam bathymetry, geophysical and oceanographic data along with bottom samples to better characterise little known areas of the North Atlantic Ocean.

These surveys support the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation, the goals of which are to combine the resources of its three signatories to better understand the North Atlantic Ocean, promote sustainable management of its resources, and promote citizens’ understanding of the Atlantic through ocean literacy.

Graduate and post-doctoral students sailing on board on board the R/V Celtic Explorer are writing daily web logs to chronical the mission.

Find out more about the mapping expedition.

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