Logos of the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, the IHO and Piri Reis University, Instanbul, Turkey

International Symposium on a Historical Approach for Measuring and Protecting of World Oceans and Waters

Monaco, 20 and 21 June, 2019

Call for papers

The 2019 Monaco International Symposium on "A historical approach for measuring and protecting of World Oceans and Waters" will be held at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco on 20 and 21 June 2019 as one of the events of the IHO centenary celebrations.

Access the call for papers Adobe PDF document of the Call for Papers for the International Symposium on a Historical Approach for Measuring and Protecting of World Oceans and Waters (246 KB)

The objective of the symposium is to create an international platform for exchanging knowledge and experience on the history of measuring and protecting world oceans and waters. The Symposium will also be a forum where researchers and academicians from all around the world can freely contribute to our understanding of all aspects of the world oceans and waters and their place in human history, review the steps of the advances in measuring and mapping the world oceans and waters and examine the precautions to be taken to protect the marine environment.

Abstracts should be submitted to the Conference Secretary (iakin@pirireis.edu) by 18 January 2019 in accordance with the submission guidelines indicated in the Call for Papers.

The Symposium is being jointly organized by the Piri Reis University, Istanbul, Turkey; the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco and International Hydrographic Organization.

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